And….We’re off

And…we’re off

Once school starts, the days start flying by and instantly I miss summer. The days that seem to stretch on, and the nights that last forever, it’s perfect. Then before you’ve had time to blink and pour your coffee, it’s back to school season, and you're searching for a specific graphing calculator and the right color folder for math.

For me, the biggest instant change from summer to fall is the number of lives I manage, it quadruples. All in all, I’m damn lucky. I fully love what I do. I get to create and design all of the amazing items available in the shop and market exclusives, meet amazing people at different events, educate some pretty incredible teenagers, and I get to be a Mom to some amazing kids. I love every minute of it. but I’m here to remind you that your self-care can’t be compromised.

The focus of this month’s newsletter is about Me Time. It’s prioritizing not only the things that truly matter to us while intentionally placing yourself in the center of that intention.

Why, because, you matter.

Over the next few days and weeks, I challenge everyone to focus on taking time to breathe while remembering to take on the elephant one piece at a time. One of the things I struggle with myself is being honest about my bandwidth. When this struggle gets real, and believe me it does, I’ve gotta do the thing I struggle with the most, asking for help. I’m getting better.Schedule some “me time”.

Me Time can happen as often as you need it or whenever makes the most sense for you. If your life is like mine this sort of thing looks different depending on the day and the moment. The easiest way I can slip in some Me Time is by taking a few deep restorative breaths and releasing any built-up tension Those restorative breaths can occur at my desk, it is in my classroom, and other times it happens while I’m wearing a paper facemask while watching cat videos on Instagram. It’s these moments when I can release any built-up tension and truly feel at ease. Even for a moment

Grab a cup of tea or an iced coffee and put on a More ART | More Heart Spotify playlist. Take a minute to intentionally slow down as we begin to cozy up to fall, all the while continuing (or starting) to create a space that speaks to you.

Check out my More ART | More Heart YouTube Channel and Instagram page.

Thank you! Don’t forget to like, share, subscribe, and follow all the social channels to see what’s being made and to stay connected.




City flea day!!


How is it already the final days of Summer Break?